Amitabh Bachchan has accused a section of the media and the film fraternity conspired to bring down his much hyped ongoing "Unforgettable" tour.
"I am however shocked and covered in disbelief at being privy personally to a design by certain sections of the media and the fraternity to bring down this show. To kill it, to malign and write it off. This is shameful and
disgusting", he wrote on his blog.
However, he has rubbished the media speculations that he was hinting at Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and few others.
Hitting out at the media, Bachchan said, "I rubbish their claims on named individuals in the fraternity who are behind the negative campaigning.
They push through some more names on mobile. I rubbish that
as well. At this rate they will run through the entire industry."
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 15:08 IST