One man who continues to get impressed with Amitabh Bachchan with every passing day is Vishal Dadlani. He along with Shekhar has been constantly interacting with the Bachchans for last so many years and the
fact which always amazes him is Big B's impeccable music sense.
"We have worked with the likes of Mr. Dutt (Sanjay Dutt) and Abhishek Bachchan when it comes to singing songs. However, if we have to pick up the ultimate star who knows a great deal about music, it would be one
and only Mr. Bachchan", says Vishal who is currently traveling with Bachchans along with Shekhar for the Unforgettable tour.
"He is one man who knows in and out about the music. As everyone is aware by now, he is also rendering quite a few chartbuster songs of his from the yesteryears at the ongoing shows.
However, it is not
just singing that he is involving himself into. Apart from that, he is also taking charge of music whenever something exciting comes to his mind.
For one of the tracks that he performed on in the show gone by,
he also instructed the men behind guitar and keyboard", continues Vishal Dadlani.
"While working with him, one can't help but look in sheer awe", sighs Vishal, "Even though he is perfect in his art, he also makes sure that everyone enjoys while he/she is doing.
To add to that, the way he
sings is also in 'sur' with not much correction required during sound engineering. We are not really required to touch his voice much. He is a man who knows the 'ragas'.
Seriously, for him music is not just a
hobby. For him, it is passion, just like acting."
In their close to decade old career, Vishal-Shekhar have come together with Amitabh Bachchan quite a few times in albums like KAANTE, EK AJNABEE, BHOOTHNATH and soon to be released ALADIN. -
Joginder Tuteja
Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:12 IST