Actor Samir Sharma recently had some literally 'weighty' issues during the shoot of his show Veeranwali on 9X when he was required to carry his co-star in his arms for three days continuously.
Samir who is
quite a bit into working out in the gym and staying fit jokingly says, "I don't think I missed my gym too much during those days. I was practically working out the entire day on the sets."
Unfortunately he says the unusual shot got prolonged way too much that the man ultimately came down with body sprains and muscle catches immediately after that.
"Yes practically carrying my co-star for
three days continuously got me down with a body ache. I kept insisting my director to finish the shot as soon as possible.
But lloking back at it now that I'm back to normal, it was an interesting and 'filmi'
experience." Says Samir.
Friday, July 25, 2008 11:06 IST