Aamir Khan along with music mogul Bhushan Kumar released the DVDs of Aamir Khan's directoral debut Taare Zameen Par at the hands of Kiran Bajaj, Principal, Green
Lawns High School the institution where his Taare Zameen Par little costar Darsheel Safari studies in Standard VI.
The school was full of enthusiastic faces who were looking forward to moments with the star. He surprised them by not just turning up with music mogul Bhushan Kumar,
but his costars and music directors Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy among others. He sang and danced with the kids who seemed to have every numbers of TZP by heart
Says Bhushan Kumar, "The DVD is a very special as Aamir takes you on a personal journey through he film with the director's commentary, there are exclusive prints of
the paintings, a panel discussion on children, Ishaan's flipbook, deleted scenes to view, background score, the making besides promos, trailers and stills of the
Adds Aamir, "when we steal a thing, we feel guilty, but when we download a movie or music illegally, it is like stealing. We wanted people to go out and buy this
He seemed to have got his entire fan following to shun piracy as the kids clapped and cheered their idol in enthusiasm. Young Jheel, named the best singer of the school
was awestruck on getting to see her favourite star Aamir.
"I want to scream," she said in a hushed voice. But when Aamir called her on stage and asked her to
sing, she completely lost her voice, Aamir and Shankar egged her and she sang the number Maa. Jheel was not just the only one.
The young students all gave
their hearts to the genuine person that Aamir was when he became one among the little kids in the school. Need we say more!
Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:40 IST