Bollywood's original 'Dancing Diva' Helen will be seen making her comeback in Bollywood with a film titled Bachpan. The film is directed by debutante director Rajiv Sharma who has in the past assisted filmmakers like
Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Satish Kaushik.
Taking on from where last year's smash hit Taare Zameen Par left, Bachpan is a musical family saga, laced with emotions, seen from the perspective of children. In fact, when Rajiv Sharma decided to debut as a
director, he zeroed in on this project which reflects the sensibilities of children.
As for Helen's character, she plays the role of a grandmother in Bachpan. An elated Helen says, "The script was simply amazing. And when I read it, I was so overwhelmed, that I decided I had to do it. I have recently
seen the rushes of the film and liked the way it has shaped up immensely."
Apart from Helen, the film will also star another veteran actress Padmini Kolhapure along with four talented children.
Thursday, July 31, 2008 13:37 IST