Legendary singer-actor Kishore Kumar's life and times would be captured on the silver screen in a biopic on the artist to be made by UTV, his son, singer Amit Kumar, announced here Monday.
Amit, in the presence of Kishore's wife Leena Ganguly and younger son Sumit Kumar, said the film would portray all his real-life incidents from beginning till his death.
'Baba (Kishore Kumar) was like an ocean. His life has so many things that people will be really interested to know. I think this will be a good attempt to remember the singer- actor as well as take him close to his fans.
It will have all the negative and positive aspects of his life, ' said Amit, the son of Kishore's first wife Ruma Guha Thakurta.
'This film is the first bio-epic to be made on a Bollywood personality and perhaps second one after Gandhi to be made on any Indian personality, ' he said.
UTV will be producing the film, Shoojit Sircar will be at the helm of the project, informed Amit. Renzil D. Silva is scripting the movie.
'It was his (Sircar's) idea to make the film and he has done all the research, ' said Sumit, who has rendered a portion of the new version of 'Bachna Ae Haseeno' song in a Yashraj film by the same name.
'I brought Shoojit home to discuss the idea with mummy and 'bhaiya' (Amit Kumar) They liked the idea and he went forward with it, ' added Sumit.
Sumit said the responsibility of casting lies with the director and he has not yet finalized anyone yet, but, he confirmed that no one from the family will be seen in the film.
Leena Ganguly thanked UTV for taking the initiative and said: 'Making a film on a real life character is very difficult. I am happy that the company and Shoojit have taken such a step to pay tribute to the great artist who
has entertained the masses for decades.'
However, Amit said the company has signed an agreement with the family in which it will be bound to show them the final script and shoot according to it.
'If it plans for any change, they will have to take permission from us. Though, we will not be in front the camera, but will be constantly involved in the project from behind, ' Amit said.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008 12:54 IST