Bollywood singer Abhijit may have started a controversy by commenting on the entry of 'Sarhad-Par' singers crooning in the industry and making fast bucks, but for Pak singer Ahmad Jahanzeb, who won accolades for
'Khuda Ke Liye', the growing Indian entertainment market provides from across the border enough opportunity to show their talent.
"India is a bigger market with huge resources and developed film and music industry. In our country it is still in developing phase, so the opportunities presented are few, " says the singer.
"There is not much scope in Pakistan. India is the ultimate destination for us. Once you are accepted by the people here there will be no turning back and your career can reach new heights in no time and this is what
prompted me to make an entry here, " he adds.
Abhijit in a singing reality show on a leading channel had commented that there are so many good singers in our country who do not get enough opportunities but singers from Pakistan are being recieved with open
Ahmed was just nine when he launched his debut album "wonder boy".
On the launch of his new album, he says, "I'm elated to launch my album here. It's not difficult to get acceptance among people here as
we share common culture and language and it's an easy transition for us to come to India.
India is like a second home to me and the response of people here boosts us to achieve higher goals."
Monday, August 11, 2008 14:57 IST