Bollywood icon Aamir Khan, who is also the brand ambassador of popular soft drink Coca Cola, sprang to the defence of the product saying many of the food items we consume in India had a higher percentage of
pesticide content.
Aamir, who was answering a question as to why he had been endorsing the product in the context of the demand for ban on the drink, which was allegedly posing a health threat, he shot back '' saying ''milk, water,
eggs and even many vegetables you eat have more pesticide content than Coke.''
Parrying a question that school children would be influenced to consume the harmful soft drink if it was endorsed by a popular
star like him, Aamir said in the US, school children do not figure in the advertisements for Coke.
''I endorsed coke as I simply love that drink'', Aamir asserted, adding ''I have been enjoying Coke since my younger days.''
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 13:36 IST