Hansika who is in Hyderabad currently shooting for her film "Maska" met with an accident recently while she was on her way to the shoot.
Luckily, Hansika escaped unharmed except for an injury to her hand.
The accident happened near Banjara hills and she was immediately taken to a hospital to be seen to. After tending to her hand, she was released in an hour.
When the unit people came to know of the accident, they insisted that Hansika take rest and cancel the day's shoot.
But Hansika did not feel the accident warranted wasting an entire day of the shoot and the
producer's money and turned up on the sets much to the surprise of everyone. But knowing how dedicated Hansika is when it comes to her profession, it's not really surprising!!!
"Maska" is produced by Suman Arts and she is cast opposite Raam.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 16:33 IST