Breaking the family tradition, Aditya Raj Kapoor, the fifty-plus son of legendary actor Shammi Kapoor, is making his acting debut with a negative role in "Diwangi Ne Had Kar Di".
"I'm playing a negative role which has various shades. It really interested me. It is more like what Al Pacino has played in many of his movies, " Aditya told here Tuesday.
Being produced by Boney Kapoor, "Diwangi Ne Had Kar Di" is directed by Gujrati director Jiten Purohit. This is his first Hindi moive.
About his father Shammi Kapoor's reactions on his decision to play the negative character, Aditya said: "Though I'm the first person in our family who is playing a negative character, my father is very supportive."
"Shammiji said whatever role you play, do it with your heart and soul and give your best, " said Aditya who has also directed three English language films.
The first movie that Aditya directed was "Schamal", followed by "Sambar Salsa" and then "Don't Stop Dreaming", featuring Rishi Kapoor and Suneil Shetty. Before trying his luck in business, Aditya worked as an
assistant to Raj Kapoor.
He has now returned to film business after 20 years of being a management honcho. Aditya has also set up a television channel in Dubai.
Besides Aditya, two more newcomers - Deep and Ashmita - will be introduced in the film and Purohit is quite confident about this fifty-plus debutant actor.
About casting Aditya in the negative role, director Purohit said: "The reason for casting Aditya in the negative role will only be known when the film is released."
The film was launched here Tuesday with Boney Kapoor giving the first clap. Purohit plans to wrap the shoot within two months. "Diwangi Ne Had Kar Di" will be released in 2009.
Thursday, August 21, 2008 16:07 IST