The precise films slated for release this Diwali is still unclear. Madhur Bhandarkar's FASHION was scheduled to hit the screens on October 17, but with KARZZZ arriving on this date and T-Series ready to bombard the
channels with promos of this Himesh Reshammiya film, FASHION has decided to look at a better date.
"It's now confirmed for Diwali, as things stand today, " Madhur tells us.
Meanwhile, a section of the (irresponsible) media had reported that SRK's BILLO BARBER and Karan Johar's DOSTANA would clash on the same date (November 14), but it's untrue.
The date for BILLO
BARBER is yet to be confirmed (a decision would be taken once Priyadarshan arrives in Mumbai), but the date is either last week of October or the first week of November.
Monday, August 25, 2008 13:16 IST