The 27-year-old British reality show star Jade Goody has been warned by doctors that if her cervical cancer spreads she could be dead in her 30s.
Goody is preparing for a hysterectomy next week, reports
"It was even worse than I was expecting. They told me about the worst case scenario where I might not even survive 10 years. I'm all over the place. I can't stop crying, " said Goody.
Goody's publicist Max Clifford confirmed the report and told MailOnline that "she is very frightened and upset".
Before chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Goody will have an exploratory operation to find out if the cancer has moved to any other part of her body or her blood.
Goody, who is a mother-of-two has vowed to adopt another child, as she will never be able to have any more children post hysterectomy.
Friday, September 05, 2008 12:33 IST