The Bombay High Court today issued a notice to Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan over the alleged illegal construction in the backyard of his palatial bungalow 'Mannat' at suburban Bandra.
A division bench, consisting of Chief Justice Sawtantra Kumar and Justice A P Deshpande also asked the state government and the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) to explain on what grounds did they
allow the construction.
This is not the first time that the actor's house is in trouble.
In the past too, several complaints have been filed against Khan's bungalow.
The direction was given in response to a petition alleging that 32 norms were violated while constructing the bungalow.
This time around, however, the house is facing the heat over the construction of a seven-storeyed building in the backyard. A Mumbai- based social worker Amit Maro filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) last month
before the High Court against the alleged illegal construction.
The PIL also alleged that the actor has further violated the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 1991, by getting his land classified in the relatively liberal CRZ-I, when it was in the highly restrictive CRZ-II
The work on the bungalow is also said to be in violation of the statutory Heritage Regulations, which regulate that the new building should be of the same height as the old structure, which stood there before, and that it
should have architectural attributes in harmony with the old structure.
Friday, September 05, 2008 12:42 IST