A Mumbai court Monday granted bail to Miraj-ur-Rehman, the former husband of Manyata, wife of Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt, in a case pertaining to escape from custody of the Hyderabad police last month.
His lawyer Tasneem Khan told he had been released on a personal bond of Rs.7, 000 and Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate A. Wankhede of the Bandra 9th Court granted time till Sep 22 to organize the money.
He will be released after spending 12 months in custody for various cases, she said.
Miraj, who was under the custody of the Hyderabad police in a case, had escaped from a hotel in Bandra, a northwest Mumbai suburb. Within hours, he was re-arrested after he was seen speaking to a television channel.
Tasneem said the court had earlier rejected his application for bail on grounds that he could jump bail if released. Earlier, Miraj had been granted bail in three different cases pertaining to sending obscene messages to some Bollywood actresses.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008 12:16 IST