Shooting of the prestigious film of Rajanikant, 'Robot', under the direction of N Shankar, was launched in the US. The film would be high in technical qualities and is being made with a whopping budget.
Aiswarya Rai is playing the heroine, the film is being jointly produced by Ayyangaran International and Eros International.
After a heavy budget film like 'Sivaji', this film is again coming in the same
combination of Shankar and Rajanikanth. It is learnt that the film would be shot in several locales of the US.
The story of the film was prepared by Sujata, a close associate of Shankar and he reportedly discussed in detail about the technical lacunas in the story. Unfortunately, Sujata passed away recently. A R Rahman is
scoring music for the film, while several foreign technical experts are working for the film.
Yose Wu Ping, a Chinese fight master is choreographing the action scenes in the movie. The Stan Winston Studio is providing the visual effects for the flick.
It is worth mentioning here that the same studio
had earlier worked for films 'Jurassic Park, Pearl Harbour, Indiana Zones and Predator'.
Popular designer Manish Malhotra is providing costumes to the actors of the film. Camera is by Ratnavelu, art is by
Sabu Siril, editing is by Anthony, while K Karuna Murthy and C Arun Pandyan are the producers of the movie.
Friday, September 12, 2008 12:07 IST