T Series' Bhushan Kumar-produced, Radhika Rao-Vinay Sapru-directed untitled films will star Sunny Deol, Kangana Ranaut and Madhavan in the lead roles. The film is slated to go on the floors later this year, and the producers are working on a suitable title for the romantic flick.
Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao had earlier directed Lucky with Salman Khan. The current film will be shot in Chicago later this year.
Says T Series' head honcho Bhushan Kumar, "we have been flooded with calls asking us if the film is called Happy New Year.
And now, we get news reports that confirm the same on their own without even making a call to us. Let me put all queries to rest at one time. No, our film is not called happy New year."
So what will it be called then? "When we decide, you will be the first to know," he smiles.
Bhushan-Salman combo to weave celluloid magic
Saturday, September 13, 2008 10:54 IST