Bhojpuri superstar Ravi Kishan, who was one of the inmates in the first season of "Bigg Boss", said the second instalment of the reality show has failed to create the desired impact because participants are not portraying their real self.
"All the participants in the show are acting. They are not showing their real self, which is against the concept of the show. The show looks fake and it has lost its charm," Ravi told.
"'Bigg Boss' is about showing your real self and not hiding what you are but this time all the participants are pretending and not revealing their real self. I can see everyone sleeping all the time and the show has a dull look, which makes it very uninteresting."
He also feels that unlike part two, the participants of the first season were more constructive in their approach and they did all the acts collaboratively. I see inmates abusing each other, they are not friendly with each other," Ravi added.
Ravi says he had some best moments of his life on the show.
"The time I, Kashmera (Shah), Rakhi (Sawant), Rupali Ganguly and others had together cannot be compared to that of the present participants."
About impact of "Bigg Boss" in his life, Ravi says the show had changed him a lot.
"When I came for the show, I was already a star in the Bhojpuri cinema. I was an egoistic person who was riding high on the success. But during my stay, I realised the realities of life.
Staying there for so long without any communication with the outside world had taught me to adjust with other people and have an humble attitude."
Thursday, September 18, 2008 10:39 IST