Riya Sen has been keeping quite busy shooting for her various films. After recently finishing Rituparno Ghosh's 'Abohoman' she is currently shooting for a short film directed by budding students from Subhash Ghai's 'Whistling Woods Academy'.
The rigorous schedules and constant traveling took a toll on Riya who fell sick with a 102 degree fever. But empathizing with the dilemma the students go through, with a limited budget and time constraints, Riya continued to shoot despite her fever in Whistling Woods and Filmcity.
Well, with such interesting projects in hand, Riya sure wouldn't want to let anyone down!!!
The film is titled 'Guzarish' where she plays the role of a wife torn between her husband and her ex-lover.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 15:42 IST