Last week also saw the release of the Telugu version of Phoonk in Hyderabad entited Raksha. "We waited three weeks after the Hindi release.
We released the Hindi version only in Hyderabad and not the resr of Andhra Pradesh. Raksha isn't a dubbed version of Phoonk. It's a totally original remake of the story starring Jagpati Babu and Kalyani."
The Telugu Raksha is very different from the Hindi Phoonk.
Says Ramu, "We made many changes between the Hindi and Telugu. Raksha is more emotional. It's more of a family drama directed by newcomer Vanshi. I left the Telugu entirely to Vanshi. Raksha is doing as well as Phoonk."
This is the first time a Ram Gopal Varma film has been made as a bi-lingual.Now the Telugu version of Phoonk will be dubbed into Tamil.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 15:44 IST