No, this time we are not talking about Akshay Kumar, but another ‘Singh' pair. They are Mona Singh and Harbhajan Singh who are pairing as a team for their new reality show by Colors channel named, ‘ Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena' which is to get aired from 26th Sept.08.
Mona and Bajji, were present at Taj Lands End for a press meet and were sounding very confident also. The pair also revealed that they have already entered into the finals.
Both of them sounded confident and were ready to accept competition. When asked about his competition with his fellow mate, ‘Shreeshant', (remember the infamous incident, when Bajji slapped Shreeshant during IPL).
To this Bajjji said that he is looking for some serious competition and nothing else, and gave us a notorious smile.
We hope that we get to see some serious dance and not anything else.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 14:03 IST