Bollywood actor Rahul Bose and Hollywood diva Scarlett Johansson, who are global ambassadors for Oxfam, shared some warm moments at an event in New York. The Indian actor praised the "Girl With A Pearl Earring" star for her commitment and sincerity to the cause.
Both work to raise funds for Oxfam's Health and Education For All campaign.
"It is easy to just lend your name to a cause and forget about it. The real test is to actually execute your presence and to see that the funds are actually used for that particular cause. I admire Scarlett and several other celebrities for that, " Rahul said.
A short film made by Rahul on the street kids of India was also screened at the event, said a statement released here Tuesday.
"The short film is about street kids and a very factual projection of the children who do not have access to health and education in India, " said Rahul.
"India has around 836 million poor people and the worst maternal and infant mortality rates, plus the largest number of people without any access to education, " he added.
Rahul added that Scarlett and he will urge the governments of other countries to allocate an increased proportion of their annual budget to provide essential services to the people.
"Rich countries should also support poor nations with an increased and long-term aid commitment targeting health and education sectors, " he said.
Oxfam International is a confederation of 13 organisations working with over 3, 000 partners in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 14:06 IST