Bollywood actor Rahul Bose is all set to attend an Oxfam summit in New York Sunday where he will be speaking on a subject close to his heart - human rights. And Rahul has prepared the speech himself.
"I get to have my say on topics related to human rights that really concern me. To me getting to speak on such an important issue on a global platform is very important, " Rahul told from New York.
The actor is an Oxfam ambassador along with international celebrities like Scarlet Johansson. The Hollywood actress, however, will not be making her presence felt.
"There's no Scarlett Johansson. The Oxfam summit will launch a poverty-eradication initiative called 'In My Name'. Scarlett, who's an Oxfam ambassador, is not coming, for whatever reason, " he said.
But there will nevertheless be other celebrities at the event.
"The celebrities are economist Jeffrey Sachs, Kristin Davis of 'Sex & The City' and Mary Robinson, who was the first female president of Ireland, " Rahul added.
Also on the anvil Sunday evening is a performance by hip-hop singer Will I Am from the band Black Eyed Peas.
"The hip-hop singer Will I Am will be singing a song specially composed for the 'In My Name' initiative with all celebrities signing a pledge to fight hunger and poverty in our country.
"It's quite an event because Black Eyed Peas are really huge on the American charts. So yes, I'm looking forward to the event, " said Rahul, who has acted in films like "English August", "Mr. And Mrs.Iyer" and
"Jhankaar Beats".
Rahul says he misses his family.
"I feel very far away from Mumbai. Do I miss the city? I miss my sister and my niece. They're the only family I know. And I carry them with me wherever I go."
Monday, September 29, 2008 12:56 IST