Sanjay Gadhvi is hoping to beat his old enemies The Bachchans with 'Kidnap'. After all they got super offended by his anti Abhi remarks before 'Dhoom 2' and were probably responsible for him losing favour with the Chopras.
Imran khan fresh out of his 'Jaane Tu...' glory is like his trump card.
He's going gaga over his latest hero calling him a big bonus and things like that.
He's been going around saying how he didn't know that that 'Jaane Tu... ' would make him a household name and how much he suits his role in Kidnap and so on and so forth.
All that's fine but what's with comparing the guy with Marlon Brando? Our B-Town film makers fall so much in love with their products that they end up making all sorts of weird comments.
Gadhvi has reportedly said, "Because of his mixed lineage, Imran has a very interesting face. He reminded me of Marlon Brando in 'On The Waterfront'."
Now many think that Imran's a cutie pie who can act but isn't this taking it a little too far? For God's sake he's only one film old and has got things on a platter thanks to his talented mamu.
Since the director is so aware of world cinema, he must also know that Marlon Brando's performances revolutionized acting techniques and set the model for method acting in Hollywood
. And the fact that Brando and fellow method acting pioneer Montgomery Clift together influenced the likes of Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Sean Penn, Dustin Hoffman, Johhny Depp and many others that our good old Bollywood actors and directors always claim to admire.
Even though Imran's a self confessed huge fan of another method actor, the undeniable American legend James Dean, this remark is pretty uncalled for!
So Mr Gadhvi please think twice before you blurt out anything next time around! We the people are no fools either!
Friday, October 03, 2008 09:47 IST