Actor Shakti Kapoor's son, Siddhant was arrested in a raid by the Anti Narcotics Cell in a Juhu, Mumbai pub, Bombay 72 Degree East on early Monday morning. Siddhant was made to undergo medical tests after
being arrested and then taken to a South Mumbai court at 11:00am.
The Pub property owner is veteran filmmaker Prakash Mehra. But it is run by a group of partners. One can recall Salman Khan inaugurating the pub last year in November.
Veteran producer Prakash Mehra owns the property. The pub - Bombay 72 Degree East is run by six partners. This pub was inaugurated by Salman Khan in November 2007.
Also, amongst those detained is
also Aditya Pancholi's daughter Sana Pancholi She was to make her film debut with Suneel Darshan's Shakalaka Boom Boom. Reportedly, she was thrown out from the first schedule in South Africa after she refused
to expose. Kangana Ranaut was brought in her place to do the same role.
Shakti Kapoor commented, "My son works as a DJ in that pub. He is innocent. I can guarantee you that he is not into drugs."
When contacted, Pancholi refused to comment.
Monday, October 06, 2008 16:53 IST