Mallika Sherawat worked with Ram Gopal Varma in his film Darna Zaroori Hai a few years back. However, after that, things reportedly turned a bit 'sour' between the Bollywood bombshell and the maverick director. In
fact, a section of the media went on to say that RGV and Mallika are at loggerheads with each other.
All this speculation was put to rest when Ram Gopal Varma dropped by on the sets of Mallika's upcoming film Hissss, recently.
Apparently RGV heard about the film from Mallika and immediately expressed
his desire to visit the sets to see how Hollywood's leading special effects director, Robert Kurtzman, worked on creating the much-hyped 'Naagin' of the film.
As we had reported earlier, a lot of detailing and
effort has gone into getting the right look for Mallika's character.
Ramu (as he is fondly known as) interacted with Mallika, director Jennifer Lynch and even make-up and special effects expert Robert Kurtzman.
The director was so impressed with Robert's work and the
treatment of the film that he went on to say that Hissss has the potential to become one of the greatest films made in India. In fact, the director also expressed desire to work with Robert for one of his films in the near
Hope RGV's acumen proves to be right this time and Mallika gets a much needed hit.
Friday, October 10, 2008 13:10 IST