Priyanka Chopra's name has been among the top five actresses of B-Town for a while now. But with a string of flops like 'Love story 2050', 'Chamku' and 'Drona', it seems the hardworking actress is slipping down the
With the rise of wooden faced actress Katrina Kaif who has got lucky with hits, much like how Priyanka did some years back, it seems she's worried about her box office position!
But Priyanka is putting up a brave front and says that she doesn't regret doing movies like 'Love Story 2050' and 'Drona' because they were 'different'. Only if they were different in a good way!
According to her acting is like gambling and one has to step into the unconventional mode so that critics don't get a chance to point fingers at an actor!
Looks like Priyanka is hopeful that Madhur Bhandarkar's 'Fashion' and Karan Johar's 'Dostana' will help her bounce back and rule the roost again!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 14:34 IST