The Bollywood super hero, Hrithik Roshan has taken his wife and two children on a mini vacation of sorts in just 2 days after reaching back to Mumbai after spending few months in the US and New Mexico shooting for
his home production Kites.
While the destination was supposed to be a secret. Our close sources have informed its the beautiful Tahiti Polynesian islands - Bora Bora.
The source reveals further, "Hrithik had promised his wife Suzanne a vacation together after coming back to India.
After all he was away for more than two months shooting for Kites. This mini vacation is
meant to be just for 7 days. He will be back just right in time for Diwali.
Hrithik has always spent his Diwali at home along with his parents and sister. He has also clearly instructed his secretary and business
manager not to disturb him at any cost for anything related to work during this mini vacation."
Hrithik had arrived back in Mumbai last week and attended his best friend's marriage ceremony and later the same night attended the relaunch party of pub Poison.
His wife Suzanne's younger sister Farah's
hubby the famous DJ Aqeel is the in house DJ of this famous upmarket pub. Shooting for his Kites begin next in November end. Till then relaxation is the prime agenda on Hrithik's mind right now!
Thursday, October 23, 2008 13:03 IST