Shradha, who has carved a niche for herself as Bhojpuri Film's "dhamaka item dancer" for her fabulous jhatkas and matkas on stage, not to forget her drop-dead persona and outrageous outfits, is flushed with offers for
stage shows and has been literally living out of her suitcase.
According to Shradha Sharma's publicist, who was present with her at the event, about 100-odd persons tried to barge into her green room after her performance and demanded that Shradha come out and pose for
photographs with them.
Sensing the boisterous mood of the crowd, Shradha refused to come out and stayed put in her changing room, which was a make-shift enclosure. The crowd got more and more rowdy
and began banging on the door.
Her manager and the organizers called the cops, who had to resort to a mild lathi-charge to disperse the unruly crowd. Later on, surrounded by about 50 policemen and
bouncers, Sharada left the venue through a back entrance and headed straight for Delhi.
Choreographer and organizer Vikas Borde of Live Events, Delhi, while admitting the incident said that it was very unfortunate that such an episode happened.
According to industry reports, Shradha Sharma has recently signed on three films with G P Sippy, one of them with Sidharth Koirala, the younger brother of Manisha Koirala. Shradha has done live stage performances
with Kumar Sanu and Himesh Reshamiya, besides others.
She has about 400 live-stage performances to her credit both in India and abroad and is known for her stand-up performances, besides
choreographed dances.
Her performances in India include those in smaller towns like Calicut, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Gurgaon and Noida. Shradha has also performed in the USA, Canada, UK, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Australia
and the United Arab Emirates.
Monday, October 27, 2008 14:24 IST