Yash Raj's first animated venture, Roadside Romeo a collaborated effort with Hollywood's big giant Walt Disney opened to a poor response on Friday across the nation with a mere 25-30% collections. But during the
weekend its has seen a slight rise in its collections.
In Metro cities the film has picked up on Saturday and Sunday but that is only in the multiplexes. Single screen halls have continued to run empty wherever it is being shown.
But this rise in collections is by
10-15% which can only lessen the losses but not avoid it for Yash Raj. The film seems difficult to recover its making cost. Adding a further dent to its business prospects is that multiplexes are going in for 5 day week
for both Roadside Romeo and Heroes as Diwali releases - Golmaal Returns and Fashion will be releasing on Wednesday 29th.
So in the second week Roadside Romeo is bound to get very less shows in
multiplexes which means those wanting to see the film will not get flexible timings. The film is also an eye opener for Yash Raj who released the film in the wrong period - the dull pre-Diwali period!
A industry insider tells us that in Bandra, Mumbai's Gaiety-Galaxy cinema hall, some patrons were even seen demanding money back feeling cheated that there was no Saif Ali Khan or Kareena Kapoor in the film. Of
course they were typical single screen patrons who did not understand the concept of an animation film!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 13:24 IST