A special show of Madhur Bhandarkar's Fashion has been arranged for Delhi Chief Minister, Sheila Dikshit. The three time National Award winning director is going to be present for this show being held on Sunday
November 2nd in Delhi.
Madhur Bhandarkar told us, "I am really very excited that the Sheilaji has expressed her wish to watch my Fashion. For me it is a privilege and honor. What is also heart warming is that a lot of woman's organizations
too have shown a lot of interest is watching the film. The film has opened to full houses and I am extremely overjoyed."
Bhandarkar is currently in Bangalore for a special six city tour to promote Fashion where the cast and crew are interacting with the audience at multiplexes.
"I am getting some really great feed back while interacting with my film's fans. The film has also managed to earn rave reviews. I am feeling like at the top of the world right now." Bhandarkar concludes.
Saturday, November 01, 2008 11:26 IST