Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor proved that her heart does not rule her head at all times. She chose to fulfil her professional commitment to Shah Rukh Khan over attending beau Saif's rock concert.
Her long-standing differences with Shah Rukh Khan which go back to the time when she refused to do Karan Johar's "Kal Ho Na Ho" for monetary reasons, have finally dissolved.
On Friday, Kareena danced for a television show being filmed for Children's Day, being produced for Star Plus by Shah Rukh's Red Chillies' company.
The offer put her in a dilemma. It clashed with Saif Ali Khan's rock concert with the band Parirkrama for charity. Kareena opted for Shah Rukh's show.
Says the actress: "I had no choice. Shah Rukh's show was a commitment I made much earlier. I've to dance and I'll be getting an award for my popularity with children. Very sadly I'll have to skip Saif's concert. But I
know he'll understand."
But Saif has said he likes Kareena at his concerts for inspiration.
"I know he said that. But what to do? One has to be professional. Can't let the heart rule the head all the time. I'll make it up to Saif, " said the actress.
Monday, November 03, 2008 13:28 IST