After starting her television career with Ekta Kapoor's Kahani Hamare Mahabharat Ki, Pooja Bose would now be seen in Balaji's upcoming romantic show Tujh Se Preet Lagai Sajana, in which she is playing the role of
a simple Punjabi girl, Vrinda.
Normally, two women hardly get along very well, but Ekta's actresses never get tired of praising the soap queen. Even Pooja seems to be one of them, "I think Ekta Kapoor is very brilliant. The way she handles
everything alone shows how strong a woman she is."
Pooja only views the shows in which she works in and hence couldn't compare her shows with the other shows aired on television. But the actress confidently declares her show to be a hit since the show belongs to
Pooja shares her background, "I belong to Mumbai. I have previously done a Hindi film, Escape To Taliban and also worked in a Bengali film."
Normally television actors dream of making it big on silver screen
but Pooja seems to believe in the reverse theory. "I didn't work in these films to make a name for myself but I just did the film to face the camera. I was waiting for the right thing to come across and I think I have
reached the right place at a right time," justifies Pooja.
So does Pooja believe Balaji to be her final destination? "This depends on the viewers whether they accept my show in a positive way. The history shows that most of Balaji's show has been appreciated by the people,"
says Pooja.
Thursday, November 06, 2008 11:45 IST