Director Dibakar Banerjee's second film "Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!", about a thief, is based on the real life story of well-known thief Devender alias Bunty, who is currently awaiting his trial.
In the film Abhay Deol plays the thief and his character has an uncanny resemblance to Bunty, who, the police said, was addicted to burglaries. Abhay's modus operandi is to outsmart people and policemen with his
sharp mind and wit. His character in the film is smitten by the lifestyle of rich and affluent families in Delhi.
Though Banerjee denies a straight lift of the plot from Bunty's life, he says that he researched a lot about criminals' minds from news clippings and TV shows to make the film realistic.
Bunty was allegedly involved in over 500 cases of burglaries, house thefts and auto thefts in Chennai, Bangalore, Chandigarh, and Delhi and was caught in 2002.
Saturday, November 08, 2008 13:21 IST