Colombian filmmakers are more inspired by Bollywood films than Hollywood ones, said filmmaker Jorge Echeverri here Thursday, adding "old Hindi classics like 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna' and 'Mera Naam Joker' are
widely watched in our country".
"We, the Colombian filmmakers, watch more Bollywood than Hollywood films. Old Hindi classics like 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna' and 'Mera Naam Joker' are widely watched in our country, " Echeverri told reporters
before the screening of his film "The Voice of Wings" Thursday evening at the 14th Kolkata Film Festival here.
The filmmaker said it's the passion with which Indian films are made, attracts him to them.
"Just a good script is not adequate for making films... you need passion to tell your story. Indian films are made with loads of emotion and passion that make them distinct."
"All of the four films and 15 short films I have made so far, carry an underlying Bollywood influence in terms of emotion, imagination and dramatization of facts, " said Echeverri.
"The Voice of Wings" is a 40-year old love story between a man and his half-sister, who in course of the film joins the guerrilla forces in Colombia, years later the man was kidnapped by them. When the couple reunites
in London, they decide to return home and face the consequences of their relationship.
The other films of the filmmaker includes "Terminal", "Maximum Penalty" and "Malamor".
Friday, November 14, 2008 16:19 IST