There is one more producer coming up in the Salman Khan household, Arbaaz Khan. The Fashion actor has announced plans of venturing into film production. He is about to float a new banner called Arbaaz Khan Productions. Salman's youngest brother Sohail already has his Sohail Khan Productions.
Arbaaz states about his production plans, "I am looking at production as obvious step towards growth from being an actor. The time is right presently and Abhinav has a great script to work on."
A source close to Arbaaz reveals us more, "The film will star Salman Khan but obviously and will be directed by Anurag Kashyap's younger brother, Abhinav Kashyap. Arbaaz, too, shall play a pivotal role in the film.
It will go on the sets around May 2009. It is supposed to be a very strong character driven story with great emphasis on emotions and drama. The heroine hasn't been finalized yet. The auditions are presently being taken.
The source further adds, "Arbaaz will be taking assistance from Sohail Khan's team at Sohail Khan Production for his maiden production."
Monday, November 17, 2008 13:40 IST