Recently, while actor Randeep Hooda was heading to the Mahalaxmi racecourse to tame his horses (he owns seven of them), he saw a couple of taxi drivers on the road holding an injured baby eagle. He asked his
driver to stop and ask them where they got it from.
When the taxi guys said, it fell down from the electric wires above and they planned to sell it, as "the bird fetches good money", Randeep asked them to give it to him so that he could get it treated.
But when they refused, he paid them a couple of thousand bucks and took charge of it. Randeep then called a vet he knew to the race course and the guy gave the baby eagle some basic treatment.
Since eagles come under endangered species, Randeep knew he could not keep it for long. So he asked the vet to take it, treat it, and hand it over to the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). The
eagle had stopped bleeding by then and the actors prompt action saved its life.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 15:03 IST