Hansal Mehta who last directed Woodstock Villa and was serving as the CEO of Sanjay Gupta's production company White Feathers has quit his job and has moved to Karla on the outskirts of Mumbai to pursue
another dream .
Says Hansal, "I've always been avidly interested in food and wine. If you remember I produced Zee's cooking show Khana Khazana for years. The show's host star-chef Sanjeev Kapoor got me interested in food. Today
cooking is a passion which I've been cultivating and developing very keenly in the past few months."
Now Hansal is all set to open a chain of restaurants. "The first one will be in Nasik. That' where I'm also starting my own wine to be named Kimaya after my daughter."
Hansal is currently checking out the grapes scene in Pune and Nasik and hopes to launch his wine very shortly.
"Food and wine are my primary passion now. My wife Safina, daughter Kimaya and I are happy to be away from the bustle of Mumbai. In fact more and more of the industry is moving out."
So has Hansal quit movies? "Not at all . I will remain first and foremost a filmmaker, though at the moment I'm not making anything. That's why I was shocked to read that I had crossed over from one Sanjay to
another. Please let me clarify that I'm not making a film for Sanjay Dutt Productions or any other production house at the moment."
Hansal clarifies that Dutt's friend turned rival Gupta remains a dear friend. "He has stood by me like a rock in my lean days. I owe him a lot.
The last thing I need is for selfmotivated parties to plant stories
about how I've gone over to Sanjay Dutt. Though I've the greatest respect for Mr Dutt. Do know, his wife Maanyata was my neighbour for many many years?
Always very quiet and in her own world. My father
and she used to get along very well. But that doesn't mean I'm making a film for him."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 15:15 IST