After impressing acclaimed filmmaker like Shyam Benegal, it is the turn of writer turned filmmaker, Neeraj Vohra to get mighty impressed by Amrita Rao. Amrita is working with Neeraj for Anil Kapoor's home production
Neeraj states, "One can actually take out the best performance from her. interestingly she follows the directors instructions completely.
I am working with her for the first time. I have seen her earlier
performances and she has done a commendable job. She has been good in commercial ventures and down to earth characters like the one she performed in Welcome To Sajjanpur. Amrita is talented and will sure
make it to the top very soon."
"It is completely Anil Kapoor's baby but not once did Anil Kapoor come on the sets. I have never seen a producer like him. He discusses with me the schedules of the day every morning but never interferes on the
I have enjoyed working with him. The shooting of the film is almost complete now we are planning to release it somewhere in April to May." says Neeraj
Meanwhile the directors next venture Run Bhola Run which has run into controversies over its title is also being readied for an April to May release.
"The title has not been change" states Neeraj Vohra. "the
shooting has been completed but we still have to shoot four songs. We will be shooting them very soon" he says and concludes.
Friday, November 21, 2008 12:09 IST