Bollywood actor Abhay Doel who was in the city Friday to promote his forthcoming film "Oye Lucky Lucky Oye" says that people will relate to the film and to his character in the film, who comes from a lower middle class background and chases money and fame - through dubious means.
"Oye Lucky..." that is slated for release Nov 28 is directed by Dibakar Banerjee, who won accolades for his debut film, "Khosla Ka Ghosla".
"In the film, the protagonist Lucky wants to become rich and famous by crooked means, " Deol said.
"The subject of the film is very novel and innovative and I enjoyed playing the character of Lucky in the movie. It is not a usual love story or a thriller but possesses all the ingredients that will ensure a treat for two hours to the viewers, " Deol said.
Apart from Deol, Neetu Chandra, Archana Puran Singh and Paresh Rawal, who is in a triple role, are also playing important characters in the movie.
About his character, Deol said: "I did a lot of homework before doing this movie. As I am playing the role of a thief who is from a lower middle class family living in an inner city at West Delhi, I went there several times to have a first hand experience of the locations, culture and lifestyle."
Doel added: "I also worked on my language and adopted the slang of a typical west Delhi guy."
Talking about the film, Dibakar Banerjee, director of the film, said: "'Oye Lucky...' is different from 'Khosla Ka Ghosla' and is inspired by true incidents or stories that we read daily in newspapers and magazines. It is an amalgamation of various elements like satire, our obsession with material wealth, culture of acquisition and paparazzi."
Saturday, November 22, 2008 11:48 IST