Akshay Kumar's 6 year old son, Aarav was supposed to dub for the animated film, Jumbo but cancelled his plans at the last minute because his dubbing schedules clashed with his school exams.
But that hasn't kept the star kid from losing his interest in Jumbo. Though the film releases on December 19th, Aarav told dad, Akshay who has dubbed for the title lead character, Jumbo to hold a special preview show for him at the earliest.
Akshay had signed this film only for his son, who incidentally is a big animation film freak.
He immediately started making arrangements for a special show for Aarav and his friends. Now this show will be held in his big house itself in the Mumbai suburbs, in the first week of December.
A source adds, "Aarav had been going along Akshay for 2-3 days to see him dub for the movie. From the rushes he saw of the film that time, he found it as loveable as Kungfu Panda and Shark Tale.
Incidentally, Aarav's grandmother Dimple Kapadia, has also lent her voice for the movie, so that has the star kid double excited about the film. Another star name associated with the film is Lara Dutta."
Saturday, November 29, 2008 12:57 IST