The fire brand Rakhi Sawant has openly accused TV actress Shradha Shrama of stealing her boyfriend of four years Abhishek Awasthi. For the first time, since this war broke out, Rakhi seemed to favour her ex-boyfriend Abhishek and blamed the 'other woman' for the breakup.
Speaking to a national Hindi news channel during her birthday party celebrations at a restaurant in Oshiwara, Rakhi when questioned said, "Shradha Sharma is a boyfriend chor. She stole Abhishek from me.
She used to wear skin tight outfits at the gym where both of them were training together. She seduced Abhishek by her hot and revealing outfits.
Since I was busy with my shows and was traveling a lot, we were not able to spend much time together. Abhishek was also busy shooting for his serial and we could barely speak to each other, " said Rakhi.
"He must have got carried away by her short dresses, " said Rakhi sort of defending her former beau and adding that Shradha wears such short revealing clothes that any man would get distracted.
It was recently reported that Abhishek fell in love with Shradha at Gold's Gym at Four Bungalows where the duo used to meet everyday.
However, Rakhi is in no mood to forgive Abhishek and take him back. "Even if he comes back to me, I don't want him in my life again. I hope God teaches him a lesson for dumping me, " she said.
Saturday, November 29, 2008 13:12 IST