Tarun Mansukhani who has just completed Dostana for Karan Johar's production house will be directing another film for the banner. It's none other than Coochie Coochie Hota Hai the animation version of Kuch Kuch
Hota Hai.
This month it would be exactly ten years since Kuch Kuch Kuch Hota Hai was released. And Karan feels nostalgic.
"A decade of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai! Film critic Rajiv Masand reminded me of it. It makes me feel old and nostalgic.
I haven't watched it after release. I don't watch my films. I'm not a fan of my own work. I feel
it's my most honest work. Because I was absolutely fearless when I made it. But after that I was just trying to hold on to the position I had created. Expectations are a Catch 22 situation.
On one level you're
fortunate to be commanding those expectations. On another level those expectations bog you down. Expectations suck your creativity away."
Brightening up the Johar heir exults, " I'm glad we're doing an animation version ten years after. We're co-producing the film with the animation-experts Prana.
It'd be interesting to revisit Kuch Kuch Hota Hai in
the animation format. We're retaining the emotional content of the original. Tarun is the right person for it. If you see how cutely he has dealt with the triangle in Dostana you'll know what I mean.
Coochie ....is set in the animal kingdom. There's a doggie triangle at the centre. But there're other animals, lots of them. So you could say this is my most environment-friendly film. We're excited about its release in
August 2009. It has been the hardest film to make. Animation is damn difficult."
Monday, December 01, 2008 18:03 IST