Danny Boyle's latest offering Slumdog Millionaire has been making waves in the festival circuit for a while. Now the film, which opened across cinema halls in the US recently, has even managed to woo the American audiences. The film is performing extremely well at the US Box office and is now getting ready for its UK release.
The latest is that Slumdog Millionaire has managed to bag three top awards at the British Independent Film Awards. The film not just bagged the 'Best Film' award, but also earned Danny Boyle the 'Best Director' award while newcomer Dev Patel walked away with the 'Most Promising Newcomer' award.
With the kind of appreciation and recognition that this film is getting with each passing day, don't be surprised if the film even manages to get an Oscar nomination.
Slumdog Millionaire stars Dev Patel, Freida Pinto, Anil Kapoor and Irrfan Khan in lead roles. The film is set to release in India sometime in January next year.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 11:18 IST