Malayalam actress Asin after making it big in Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu film industry is now set to make her debut in the glam-world of Bollywood with Hindi version of Ghajini.
Non-other-than Bollywood
superstar Aamir Khan is starring opposite her. Apart from this she is also working against another Bollyw superstar Salman Khan in the flick London Dreams.
What else would this babe asked for after pairing
opposite two starts in her first two films in Hindi film industry? But Asin is making sure that her innings in Bollywood doesn't come to a drastic end and taking every precautionary measure for it.
Along with his
dad who's also her manager, the rest of her staff members are Malayalees and none of them speak Hindi. In order to stay tuned with Hindi language the actress has now decided to change her staff and get in people
who can speaks Hindi.
But the questions arise, would Asin be thinking to remove her manager and dad also from her staff?
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 12:04 IST