Almost from all the quarters, criticism has poured in for Ram Gopal Varma, Chief Minister of Maharashtra Vilasrao Deshmukh and his actor son Ritesh Deshmukh for their Sunday evening visit to the terror hit Taj Mahal
hotel in Mumbai.
Some section of the media even dubbed CM Deshmukh's visit as a picnic with his son.
But downplaying his visit, Verma comments, "Let me clarify that the Chief Minister did not invite me as I have never been even formally introduced to him. It was just that I happened to be with Riteish at that time,
whom I know very well. He also further adds, "I have "no intention" of making a film on Mumbai terror strikes."
Ramu feels that no one should derive any other meaning from the visit by politicising it as he maintained that it was time to fight unitedly against terrorism. Bollywood filmmakers, who are known to have used some
tragedies as their movie plots, are being cautious this time keeping in mind the shimmering tension among the public.
Ramu's association with Ritesh goes back to Naach (2004). The CM's son then went on to act in Ramu made films such as Mr Ya Miss (2005) followed by Darna Zaroori Hain (2006). Ritesh is slated to appear in a
stellar role in Ramu's upcoming next, Rann which is supposed to be Ramu's interpretation of the Indian media.
"A humble appeal to Mahesh Bhatt, Ram Gopal Verma, Sanjay Gupta, Rahul Dholakia and Apoorva Lakhia, Sirs, what's happening in our beloved Bombay is terrifying and sad, " an SMS doing the rounds said
reflecting the vox populi.
"Don't insult us by thinking of making a 'realistic' film glorifying or capitalising on this situation. God please save our country from such terrorism and such filmmakers, " it said.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 12:15 IST