There was practicallly a Raj Kapoor kind of Kal, Aaj Aur Kal scene on the sets of Vishal Bharadwaj's Ishqiya. Vidya Balan's 80-year-old aunt had accompanied Vidya's mother and sister to the shoot in Wai.
"It was quite a sight to watch the three women of three different generations interacting with each other. Vidya's aunt was pretty excited to watch the shooting of the film," revealed a unit member.
Vidya's aunt has been avid Hindi film buff. "This was the first time that she had actually got an opportunity to watch a film shoot.
She was as excited as a child in a toy store. Vidya's aunt was amused by the
constant call for silence on the sets. She also felt worried for the assistant director!
The AD's constant screaming, she feared, would make him lose his voice."
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:02 IST