Bigg Boss participant Rahul Mahajan, who will be judging a children's stand-up comedy reality show along with actor-director Sachin Pilgaonkar, said he has asked the participants to address him as "Bhaiya" and
warned them of cutting points if they called him "uncle".
Rahul said: "I might have troubled everyone during 'Bigg Boss', but the children are much smarter than me. They interview me and ask such questions which are sometimes very difficult to answer. I have asked them to
address me as 'Bhaiya' and said that their marks would be cut if they call me 'uncle'."
Rahul along with Sachin will be judging the stand-up comedy reality show "Chhote Miyan", in which 13 children will try to outsmart one another with new jokes, gags and stand-up acts.
The show produced by Endemol India will be hosted by TV actress Juhi Parmar and noted comedian-actor Kapil Sharma.
Rahul Mahajan said the decision to appoint him a judge was that of the channel on the request of the children as they liked him in "Bigg Boss".
"I did not know the kids but they knew me as they saw me in 'Bigg Boss'. They liked me in the show and were happy to see me as the judge, " he said.
Rahul, son of slain BJP leader Pramod Mahajan, said at present he is seeing a career in the entertainment industry but at the same time also wants to keep the political options open.
"Politics and entertainment are two different things and independent of each other. For now, I want to make my bread and butter through entertainment business, be it in the form of producer, actor or whatever role I am
offered and later when the time comes I might think of serving the nation as well."
Thursday, December 11, 2008 09:51 IST