With superstar Shah Rukh Khan starrer, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi coming from the very prestigious Yash Raj banner and directed by Aditya Chopra releasing today, there is all around hope in the industry that the film's
release will turn things around for Bollywood which has been losing big money in the year 2008 and is also saddled with an added burden called recession.
The problem here is that unless something very drastic happens it can easily be said before release that Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi will stop the lean trot and make lots of money as its cost including release costs is around
40-45 crore and this amount is likely to be recovered by Overseas, Satellite and Music revenue leaving India theatrical and others like Home Video as pure profit.
So making money is a foregone conclusion
and the big question should be will it break any records.
Trade sources state, "At the present time the advance booking is better in Northern India and the records in Northern circuits like Delhi, Punjab and Rajasthan were set by Singh Is Kinng a few months back but to beat
these numbers in the North by Singh Is Kinng is no easy task because they were huge (30-65% higher than previous record holder). So the best bet for opening records may well be overseas while the lifetime city,
circuit and all India records will depend on how the public reacts to the film from Monday onwards and if the families take to it then the worldwide record gross (170 crore) of Om Shanti Om will be under danger."
Friday, December 12, 2008 11:12 IST