After Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan its actress Shilpa Shetty who has launched her own blog. Shilpa has become extremely popular with the masses after her stint with UK show Big Brother and Big Boss.
She's a global icon in terms of fashion and fitness. Fans from all over the world want to get in touch with her. So she has decided to launch her blog.
The actress will now pen down her thoughts,
feelings and express her opinion on various issues that concern and perturb her. The blog will give Shilpa's fans access to her most private thoughts.
Currently Shilpa is disturbed by the way her loving city has
been damaged by terrorists. She has condemned the terrorist attacks and has strongly voiced her opinion on it.
Not a fan of blogging, the actor wishes to address issues and express opinions via 'Shilpa's Channel', her website. "I wanted a channel to vent my anger against what's happened to my city," said the actress, referring
to the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.
"In fact, I should have started this when the Richard Gere controversy erupted and people burned effigies of me, I could have expressed my opinion then," says the actor. But it's never too late, Shilpa.
Monday, December 15, 2008 11:24 IST