Tullika, the spunky girl (like Ankita in the last season of Indian Idol) was expected to go far was sadly eliminated on Saturday night. She had the talent, the looks and the pizzazz to make it to the top but that was not
to be.
She took the elimination in her stride but backstage the tears filled up. Unfortunately her last performance left a lot to be desired and perhaps resulted in a lack of votes.
"I don't think that one
performance could have done that. There are so many male contestants who are not consistent in their performances yet they are still there, " she pointed out Tullika with a lump in her throat.
The judges are still upset with the loss of a star performer like Ananya Mishra last week. Now with yet another performer like Tullika's exit, they are afraid that Indian Idol is losing its female contestants week after
Tullika's ardent plea to the viewers is, "Please vote for the talented ones on the show. According to me they are Prasenjit, Rajdeep and Torsha."
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 10:58 IST